This activity combines a little of everything, collage, painting, cutting and construction to make a majestic blue whale. The largest animal known to exist, this blue whale still feels like an enigma, so take this creative opportunity to talk with the kids about this sea mammal and it’s fragile environment.
This artwork should be made with blue A3 card or bigger just to lend the whale some scale. You will also need some white paper or tissue paper, scissors, glue, pencil, a few push pins, and some cool coloured paints.
Start by sketching the body, tail, and fin separately on the card. Ensure the kids are giving the blue whale a long slender body as opposed to that chubby fish shape.
The tail and fin will get added with the pins later so they can swim about. Cut the shapes out. Cut out a long semi-circle from the white paper for the underneath of the whale body, then glue this down and trim it.
Attach your fin and tail, the pins might need some adult help. Finally, get your paints, and water them down a bit as they are easier to paint with that way.
Paint in a mouth and eye, some lines under the whales head/body, and some barnacles if you like.
You could use this approach to make a whole range of sea animals – octopus, dolphin, shark – create a whole under the sea world – while exploring and learning about sea life.
Hit this link to find out some fun whale facts……….
Happy making, creating and learning!
Until next time,